More on Week 9.....Theme or Story?

Theme or Story - that is the question!

My glass is a theme - can I create a story from the misfit of other shots taken at the same venue?

It was a wet day - and overcast - but it provided a clarity to the everyday objects

Cropped an sharpened and then into b and w.... the outside - a good establishing shot

Inside was warmer and dryer and there were lots of interesting objects to look at....things that had once belonged to someone else but had ended up here,jumbled up with other things; some were in like groups while some were definitely stand alone items - left-overs from some persons life....

Who lost their shoe?

A clog collector?

How do you make a plate interesting? I put it on the green blaise tabletop to give it a ground to sit in....and tried to highlight the pretty flowers.....I cropped it to sit off-centre

Now, where did they both come from? 
The juxtaposition of the Indian (American) headdress on a Roman Caesar was more than amusing....

Lighter  (looks warmer but flatter; detail is clearer) or darker....for mystery....or drama perhaps?

........what about an overlay for effect....hiding his past....

Back outside, when leaving I ran into this handsome chap in the garden - he was hiding in plain site too but I don't think much of his disguise....

One lone flower was all he was guarding - perhaps it is special?

...or not....

Better in sepia?

Not that interesting a story - I really don't know if I am drawn to a theme or a story......I don't think I have finished taking photographs yet.

Wow Wow Lemonade did not stir my creative urges that much - the collage effect there was interesting. Jonas Peterson's portfolio was more interesting - lots if intrigue and difference to explore.

I did the short course "The Photo Essay" and the idea of creating a visual story was explored with great detail there. I like the photo's in the theistsgirls article and the reminder about taking photographs from many different angles - and noting that they are don't always have to be perfect to be effective.

I really enjoyed the video presentation in Chapter 5 - he was easy to listen to and tells a good tale. The idea of creating a place or representing the place in your photographs and to make sure they are relevant to your story not just great shots were the two main points I took away from this.

I did briefly consider making my story about my brand but decided it would be too hard to do this - I would be concentrating on making two things perfect; both the item and the photographs and this would be very stressful for me. Instagram needs to be further explored by me and it will be but not just yet. I want to complete this course and then concentrate on that platform more.

I love all the inspiration work provided for us to look at - so many very talented people out there.


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